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About us

About us

●    Founded:  07. July 2016 

●    Background and foundation: Thanks to the new opportunity and development of the German-Chinese comprehensive strategic partnership, Tri Rad Medical GmbH was founded in July 2016 in Dresden, which is a historic cultural city in Germany. We have an in-depth understanding of business and culture between Germany and China, a wide range of information channels and are well versed in bilateral markets, business models, specialist departments and institutions. By following our philosophy of "human orientation" and complementing professionalism and years of industry experience, always oriented to customer needs and the market, we offer our customers the most practical and effective support and solution for a rapid market entry and business development in the target market.

●    corporate aim: help chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enter the European market and help german small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enter the chinese market
●    Business services:
  ○    Registration of a company in Germany
  ○    Registration of the medical devices in Germany
  ○    European Authorised Representative (EAR)
  ○    Compatible connector and ECG / IBP adapter cable for medical devices
  ○    Monitor for medical use
  ○    Injection molding tool
  ○    Automatic mounting machines
  ○    OEM Product

●    Know how:
  ○    Development of industry-standard connectors and adapter cables, implementation of working procedures and supporting equipment from the sample until mass production
  ○    Development of inject molding tools, OEM-, single- and small batch production
  ○    Development and production of automatic mounting machines

●    Work experience
  ○    More than 10 years experience in development and production of connectors
  ○    More than 10 years experience in development of Inject
  ○    More than 5 years experience in design and manufacture of automatic mounting machines


Contact us

Tri Rad Medical GmbH

Tiergartenstraße 32

01219 Dresden Germany

+49 (0) 351 – 2086 4877

+49 (0) 351 – 8627 8683

